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 通稿 [tōng gǎo添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 当你打电话或发邮件的时候,别说:“你收到我发过去的通稿了吗?”
    When you call or email, don't say, “Did you get my press release?
  2. 不靠新闻发布会和新闻通稿,赫克特通过观察城市和市民发现了芝加哥,并将自己的发现变成艺术。
    Hecht discovers Chicago, avoiding news conferences and press releases, by observing the city and its people, and turns his findings into art.
  3. 这个亮源成了我们第一次费米科学交流的话题——在一篇《天文学家电讯》通稿中告知其他天文学家,我们将要观测这个物体。
    This bright source was the topic of our very first Fermi scientific communication - an " Astronomers Telegram" to communicate to other astronomers that this was an object to watch.

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