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 连骨肉 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 他们杀死自己的亲生骨肉都不在意,更何况是对待动物!
    They didn't care that they were killing their own babies, so you can imagine how they treated animals!
  2. 孩子是因为母亲的原故降生到世上,作为母亲,负有无可推卸的责任来爱惜、呵护他,试问一个母亲如果自己的亲生骨肉都不爱,她还能爱谁呢?
    Since mothers are responsible for the birth of children, they should not shirk any responsibility of love and care. How can a woman love anybody else if she shows no love to her own child?
  3. 孩子是因为母亲的原故降生到世上,作为母亲,负有无可推卸的责任来爱惜、呵护他,试问一个母亲如果自己的亲生骨肉都不爱,她还能爱谁呢?
    Children are brought in this world by their mothers. As a mother, she is responsible to love and care for the kids. If a mother can't love her own flesh, who will she love?

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