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 迟早有用 添加此单词到默认生词本
come in handy

  1. 这样的关系迟早有用,比如,他需要领导人授权来建立新的灌装基地。
    Such relationships come in handy when, for example, he needs permission to build a new bottling plant.
  2. 如果你对某东西的评价是“这个东西迟早有用”或是“我不知道我有这个”时,那么是时间重新评估要不要丢弃它了。
    If the phrase “this may come in handy someday” or “I didn’t know I had this” is attached to an object, it is time to reevaluate if it belongs in your home anymore.
  3. 本文是本系列的第一篇文章,这个系列专门揭示关于 Java 平台的一些有用的小知识 — 这些小知识不易理解,但对于解决 Java 编程挑战迟早有用
    This article is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering useful trivia about the Java platform — obscure stuff that comes in handy for solving Java programming challenges.

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