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 远程控制器 [yuǎn chéng kòng zhì qì添加此单词到默认生词本
remote manipulator

  1. 灵活的热键支持,兼容性与任何远程控制器
    Flexible hotkey support for compatibility with any remote controller.
  2. 摘要介绍了一种远程智能电话控制器的设计及实现。
    A remote controller based on the AT89C51, DTMF decoder integrated circuits and ISD1420 is introduced.
  3. 摘要结合矿井通风机监控系统的设计,介绍了利用S7-300/400系列可编程控制器和PROFIBUS-DP总线技术设计实现通风机远程监控的方法及其功能。
    Combining with the design of monitoring and control system for mine ventilator, the design method and its functions of remote monitoring for ventilator by S7-300/400 PLC and PROFIBUS-DP technology were introduced in the paper.

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