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 远程教育 添加此单词到默认生词本
distance learning
remote education
distance education

  1. 焦点和核心之一是远程教育的质量问题。
    The focus is the quality problem of the distance educations.
  2. 摘要现代远程教育是学习型社会一种新的教育形式,它与图书馆的社会教育职能契合。
    Modem distance learning is a new teaching form of the learning society, it can combine the social education function of library.
  3. 我们希望与国内外从事远程教育的同仁更广泛、更深入地交流与合作,交流产生互惠,合作带来双赢。
    We hope to have deeper and wider range of exchange and cooperation with all those working for distance education both from home and abroad.

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