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  2. 附件中的简历详明说明了我齐备招聘广告中所请求的素质。看看常用语。我期待着在您方便时有机会与您面谈。
    The enclosed resume explicconsumeds my qualificines for the position advertised. I expect the opportunity to person friend discuss my qualificines with you anytime you like.
  3. 列奥纳多认为,绘画不仅是艺术之中最详明的一种表达形式,而且是最生动、最现实、最理智的艺术,更是被痴迷的画家们尊敬的、崇拜的、理智的概括生命活动的结晶。
    Leonardo also believes that painting is not only one of the most detailed expressions in art, but also the liveliest, most realistic and sensible one, which is the fruit worshiped by so many painters.

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