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 详细说明者 [xiáng xì shuō míng zhě添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 需求分析人员希望鼓励访谈时。重述回答会暗示被访谈扩展或是详细说明他曾说过的内容。
    When the analyst wants to encourage the interviewee. Restatement can prompt the interviewee to expand or elaborate on what has been said.
  2. 重述回答会暗示被访谈扩展或是详细说明他曾说过的内容。
    This habit converts a restatement into a question answerable by yes or no instead of an invitation for the interviewee to expand on his or her comments.
  3. 与会称,在美国当新的准则出炉时,会计师通常能够从标准制订那里获得详细的解释说明,而IFRS则未必如此.
    U.S. accountants are used to getting detailed interpretive guidance from standards-setters when new rules come out, and that may not happen with IFRS, panelists said.

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