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 订购点 [dìng gòu diǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
order point

  1. 拉式方法中,以超市连结顾客程序与供应程序,建立每一个部件的再订购点与再订购数目。
    Pull method where a Supermarket connects a Customer Process with a Supplier Process. For each part number, a re-order point and a re-order quantity is established.
  2. 在超市补货系统中,只要是库存加上开工数量的总和,低于再订购点的数量,就发出一张新订单给供应程序。
    In a Supermarket Replenishment system, whenever the inventory plus the open order quantity drops below the re-order point, a new order is generated for the Supplying Process.
  3. 讨论了有缺货成本的随机需求量的存货决策,着重分析了在有缺货成本下,再订购点的确定及仓库出空率的计算公式。
    This paper discusses stock decision for random requirement with shortage cost, and the analysis is focused on problems of determining reorder point and obtaining the formula of store rate of shorts.

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