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 认为优先 [rèn wéi yōu xiān添加此单词到默认生词本
give priority to

  1. 认为优先权制度起源于罗马法,并常以法定抵押权的面目出现。
    Priority system originates from Roman laws, it has developed into the right of legal mortgage.
  2. 分析了福州城市交通堵塞的情况,认为优先发展公共汽车是其城市交通发展政策的首选。
    Traffic jam in Fuzhou City is analyzed and developing the bus transportation is regarded as the priority for city transportation development.
  3. 德国等国民法在继受罗马法时,认为优先权缺乏公示性,认定优先权是特种债权的特殊效力。
    German civil law considers priority as a special creditor's right has special right because of short of the potency of publication as inheriting Roma law.

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