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 花粉粒 添加此单词到默认生词本
[植] pollen grain

  1. 花粉粒: 为何这么多?
    Pollen grains: why so many?
  2. 它被放大了115倍,其中包括猫毛、扭曲的合成和羊毛纤维、花粉粒、植物和昆虫之类的长毛。
    It has been magnified 115 times, but it contains long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, a pollen grain, plant and insects.
  3. Avinoam Danin(耶路撒冷希伯来大学的研究员)对此结果表示赞同,再加上裹尸布上的花粉粒和苏塔林上的一致。
    Avinoam Danin (a researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) concurred with this analysis, adding that the pollen grains in the Sudarium match those of the shroud.

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