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 花粉统计 [huā fěn tǒng jì添加此单词到默认生词本
pollen sum
pollen count

  1. 观察和统计昆明地区4个云南松居群的花粉粒形态,揭示云南松居群内花粉粒形态的多态性及其分布频率,并应用巢式等级方差分析方法,试图探讨云南松花粉粒在居群间、个体间和个体(家系)内形态变异的分化大小.研究表明,云南松花粉粒形态、大小、气囊数目及其大小的变异极其复杂多样,在松属植物中所少见.巢式等级方差分析表明,昆明地区云南松居群具有两个气囊的正常花粉粒,其形态变异有大约20.2%源于居群间,有79.8%左右源于居群内个体间和个体(家系)内,其中个体(家系)内花粉粒形态变异方差分量占88.3%,说明云南松个体(家系)内花粉粒形态的变异较大,环境饰变作用很大.
    This paper deals with the variation pattern of pollen morphology in four populations of Pinus yunnanensis Franch.from Kunming region,Yunnan.The morphological characters of pollen were statistically analyzed in the sampled populations.The pollen polymorphism of characters observed and their frequencies were described in the populations.As a result,the polymorphism of pollen morphology in P. yuunnanensis is one of the richest in Pinus.The nested analysis of variance indicated that about 20.2% of the variation of normal pollen grain with two sacci is attributed to the differentiation among the sampled populations,while about 79.8%of the variation is expressed between individuals within the populations or individual.
  2. 根据2004年发布的国家健康统计报告,大约有1860万成年人和670万儿童患有花粉症。
    About 18.6 million adults and 6.7 million children have hay fever, according to 2004 reports by the National Center for Health Statistics.

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