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 良心责备 [liáng xīn zé bèi添加此单词到默认生词本
prickings of conscience
have a guilty conscience
have compunctions

  1. 他天生就不是一个顾忌良心责备的人。
    He was not a man who inherently was troubled with conscientious scruples.
  2. 她因为过去忽视和看不起父亲而受到良心责备,现在为此感到极大痛苦。
    She suffered agonies of guilt for neglecting and despising her father.
  3. 这样,基督复活的大能会改变你,你发现罪担脱落,心灵获释,不再受良心责备,开始有新的安全感。
    Your sin is forgiven and your spirit is set free. You are no longer pricked by your conscience. The Lord's resurrection and your spirit is set free.

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