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 自发放电 [zì fā fàng diàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] spontaneous discharge

  1. 用大鼠离体灌流脑片的细胞外单一神经元电生理记录技术,观察了5 HT对弓状核神经元自发放电的影响。
    Effects of serotonin ( 5-HT) on spontaneous discharges of single hypothalamic arcuate neurons were observed in rat brain slices by extracellular recordings.
  2. 针刺治疗后肥胖大鼠肥胖指标、FBS、FINS和SON神经细胞自发放电频率均明显回降,而IAI水平明显回升。
    After acupuncture treatment obesity index, FBS, FINS and neuronal spontaneous discharges in SON in the obese rats were significantly lowered, while the IAI level significantly elevated.
  3. 第三脑室注射小剂量组胺对大鼠孤束核自发放电主要起抑制作用,较大剂量则起兴奋作用。
    The intrathirdventrical injection of histamine in lower dose inhibited mainly the spontaneous discharges of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and caused mainly excitatory responses in larger dose.

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