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 自发极化 [zì fā jí huà添加此单词到默认生词本
spontaneous polarization
ntaneous polarization

  1. 利用电极化的边界屏蔽近似,可计算出一些典型铁电单晶的自发极化强度.铁电屏蔽电荷处于表面束缚极化子偶状态,其产生和湮没要跨越位垒.由统计方法给出的一些常见晶体和陶瓷的四种典型电滞回线形状,和实验观察到的结果一致.
    We have developed the theory of boundary shielding approximation of electric polarization,from which the values of spontaneous polarization of some typical ferroelectric materials can be derived.The shielded charges in ferroelectricity are in the state of surface bound polaron-dipole whose creation and annihilation must span a potential barrier.By introducing statistical method,four types of typical electric hysteresis loops of some common crystals and ceramics have been given,which are well consistent with the experimental results.

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