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 耐用物品 添加此单词到默认生词本
durable goods

  1. 今天我们了解到二月份耐用物品的订单额出人意料地减少了。
    Today we learn that in Februrary orders for durable goods unexpectedly declined.
  2. 因此现在的目标是要制造出一种轻巧的材料,这种材料要不仅容易编织而且编织出来的物品还要非常耐用,同时为了能够发送信息,它还要可以导电。
    So the aim is to manufacture a light material that can be easily woven but is also highly durable and, in order to transmit information, can conduct electricity.
  3. 由于日本地震引起的供给中断推高了汽车及其他耐用品的价格,汽油价格飙高的时候也不得不削减对昂贵物品的购买。
    Supply disruptions associated with the Japanese earthquake boosted prices for cars and other durable goods, trimming purchases of big-ticket items, while petrol prices soared.

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