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 耐电压 [nài diàn yā添加此单词到默认生词本
voltage withstand

  1. 本机在测试鞋底或绝缘鞋材所能承受的电压值,以瞭解其耐电压程度。
    This tester is used to determine the isolation character of the shoe material.
  2. TE系列产品拥有极佳的产品外观和耐电压老化性能,高温性能稍差。
    Products of TE series have wonderful appearance and good functions of bearing voltage and aging. But the capability of bearing high heat is a bit poor.
  3. 聚乙烯材质因无机成分单纯,导电介质几乎不存在,因此在绝缘及耐电压性的表现上皆优于现有传统管材。
    The inorganic composition of polyethylene material is simple, the conductive medium hardly exists, so that insulation are superior than traditional pipe.

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