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 耐候钢 [nài hòu gāng添加此单词到默认生词本
weathering resistant steel

  1. 结果表明:适当减少稀土加入量是一种提高耐候钢实物质量的有效措施。
    Results show that one of the effective measures to improve the quality of the physical products of the steel is to reduce the quantity of the rare earth elements added to the steel.
  2. 本文研究了Q450NQR1高强度耐候钢在铁路货车制造业中的应用技术。
    This article focuses on the application of Q450NQR1 high strength anti-corrosion steel in manufacturing of railway rolling stocks.
  3. 利用I-DEAS软件,对低边耐候钢敞车车体结构进行有限元静强度分析。
    Using I-DEAS software, finite element analysis of static strength of low-sided weathering steel gondola car body is carried out.

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