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 耐冷 添加此单词到默认生词本
cold tolerance

  1. 对花药大小和花粉数在评价稻的耐冷性方面的作用进行了再评估。
    The re-evaluation was discussed on the cold tolerance of rice using anther size and pollen numhar.
  2. 因此,促使人们加速了对耐冷性水稻种质资源的开发与利用。
    Thus, Scientists are now accelerating the development and utilization of the germplasm source of cold tolerance (abbr. CT) in rice.
  3. 耐冷性状的差异既有主效基因也有微效基因,在长期的生态驯化过程中微效基因累积到一定程度可变为主效基因。
    The difference in cold tolerance characters involved both major and minor genes, and the accumulation of minor genes in ecological acclimation resulted in the formation of major genes.

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