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 考勤制度 添加此单词到默认生词本
work attendance checking system

  1. 负责监督和执行考勤制度保证教职工遵守我们的制度
    Responsible to oversee and enforce policies to insure faculty abides by stated policy.
  2. 答复你2006年6月6日关于员工实行打卡考研英语写作范文考勤制度的备忘录。
    This is further to your memo dated June 6,2006, in which you proposed that employees adopt the "punch in" system.
  3. 人事考勤制度是管理制度的重要组成部分,是企事业单位正常工作的前提。
    Personnel attendance system is an important component of management system, and is the premise of normal work in the enterprises and institutions.

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