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 考勤表 添加此单词到默认生词本
attendance sheet

  1. 对啊。不过第二周在你的考勤表上没有显示。我们只按考勤表上填写的时间付工资。
    That's true, but the second week is not shown on your time sheet. And we pay only according to the hours written on the time sheep.
  2. 主管手中挥舞着保险格、考勤表和客服电邮,来自遥远地方的任务发送至这个印度偏远地方的角落,然后被廉价的处理。
    Monitors flicker with insurance forms, time sheets and customer service e-mail messages, tasks from far away, sent to this corner of India to be processed on the cheap.
  3. 你不会因为没有能按照说明来使用实时跟踪软件而送命,但是之后你有可能在薪水上有所损失或者把时间浪费在重新完成考勤表上。
    It won’t kill you if you fail to follow the instructions for how to use a new time tracking software program at work, but you may lose out on wages or waste time redoing your time sheets later.

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