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 绩效审计 添加此单词到默认生词本
[审计] performance auditing

  1. 国家审计审计长李金华近日指出,过去几年间随着国家加大绩效审计力度,政府在有效利用资源和财政支出上取得了显著进展。
    Remarkable progress has been made in the efficient use of resources and in fiscal expenditure, by speeding up performance auditing over the past few years, China's top auditor Li Jinhua has said.
  2. 澳大利亚联邦审计署为推进绩效审计,进行了长期不懈的努力。
    Australia National Audit Office (ANAO) has made every effort in the study of performance auditing.
  3. 而且随着管理科学方法在企业中地位的增加,管理审计尤其是企业绩效审计的作用越来越明显。
    Furthermore, management audit especially enterprise performance audit play more important roles with the management science applying in the enterprise management more and more.

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