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 立体影像 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] stereopsis

  1. 不论是平面影像或全像立体影像呈现等高线图时,在本实验中均不因性别而影响其判读的实验结果。
    No matter the contour map is displayed by using the flat image or the complete and stereo image, sex has no effect on the result in this experiment.
  2. 表现方向为立体影像应用于海报设计,展示设计与相关视觉表现当中。
    The directions of performances are applying the three-dimensional images on poster designs, designs of exhibitions, and relevant visual performances.
  3. 现在网路上有许多立体影像,但艺术工作者、插画家与设计师却无法透过关键字,有效找到他们想要的图片或形状。
    Many three-dimensional images are now available on the Web, but artists, illustrators and designers cannot effectively search through these drawings or shapes using keywords.

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