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 立体放映 [lì tǐ fàng yìng添加此单词到默认生词本
three-dimensional projection

  1. 观众在观看时能充分感受到穹幕电影的立体感和趣味感,从而领略到穹幕电影放映效果的强烈震撼和冲击。
    When the audience watching can fully enjoy the movie screen, three-dimensional dome flu and a sense of fun, so enjoy the dome movie screen showing the effect of the strong shock and impact.
  2. 但在认为立体影片并不时尚若干年之后,好莱坞电影公司正在下注,寄望以这种形式拍摄并放映的电影推升票房收入。
    But after years of dismissing 3D as a fad, Hollywood studios are betting that films shot and projected in the format will boost takings at the box office.

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