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 空气光 [kōng qì guāng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 线的角度经过特别设计,如果窗口只有空气就会完全反射。
    The light is angled in such a way that it is totally reflected if there is nothing but air above the window.
  2. 简要介绍了子晶体的原理,由此引出子带隙型子晶体纤的概念、结构、导机理及其制备,着重分析空气子晶体纤的传输特性,并用时域有限差分(FDTD)法仿真了三角形结构空气子晶体的色散特性,最后展望其应用前景。
    The principle of photonic crystal is presented.On this basis the concepts,structure,light propagation mechanism,and fabrication of photonic bandgap photonic crystal fibers(PBG-PCF) are introduced.Especially the transmission properties of hollow-core PCF are analyzed,and the dispersion property of hollow-core PCF with triangle structure is simulated using finite differential time domain(FDTD) method.Finally,the application of hollow-core PCF is prospected.
  3. 几乎任何在交互时可用的信息都能被看作环境信息:标识,空间信息(例如:位置,朝向,速度和加速度),时间信息(例如:某天的时间,日期,某年的季节),环境信息(例如:温度,空气质量,或噪音的级别),附近的资源(例如:可访问的设备,主机),可用的资源(例如:电池,显示,网络和带宽),生理度量(例如:血压,心率,呼吸频率,肌肉活动,语调),活动(例如:谈话,行走,和奔跑),日程和内容设定。
    Almost any piece of information available at the time of interaction can be seen as context information: identity, spatial information (e.g., location, orientation, speed and acceleration), temporal information (e.g., time of the day, date, and season of the year), environmental information (e.g., temperature, air quality, and light or noise level), social situation (e.g., who are you with, and people that are nearby), resources that are nearby (e.g., accessible devices, and hosts), availability of resources (e.g., battery, display, network, and bandwidth), physiological measurements (e.g., blood pressure, hart rate, respiration rate, muscle activity, and tone of voice), activity (e.g., talking, walking, and running), schedules and agenda settings.

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