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 空气冷凝器 添加此单词到默认生词本
[制冷] air condenser

  1. 本文利用计算流体力学软件对火电厂中直接空气冷凝器的换热情况进行数值模拟。
    The major nork of this paper is applying commercial CFD software to simulate heat dissipation of direct air-cooled condenser in power plants.
  2. 深入分析空气冷凝器支架结构的结构性能,对其结构体系和典型节点、构件进行试验研究,可为工程设计提供有益建议。
    It can be a help for the engineering design to deeply analyze the structure behavior and have an examination research on the typical joints and members in the air-cooled condenser structure system.
  3. 深入分析空气冷凝器支架结构的结构性能,对其结构体系和典型节点、构件进行试验研究,可为工程设计提供依据。
    It can be a help for the engineering design to deeply analyze the structure behavior and have an experimental research on the typical joints and members in the air-cooled condenser structure system.

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