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 直接印花 添加此单词到默认生词本
[纺] direct printing

  1. 分析了涂料直接印花废水污染物成分和理化性质,提出了该废水的治理措施。
    Analyzing the pollutant's ingredients and its physicochemical characteristic in coating wastewater from print, the paper puts forward its treatments.
  2. 概述了活性染料在印花中的研究进展,并介绍了活性染料在纤维素纤维直接印花、 防染印花、 拔染印花及喷墨印花中的应用情况。
    The research development of reactive dyes in textile printing was reviewed, and their applications in direct, resist, discharge and ink-jet printing of cotton fabrics were introduced.
  3. 对于比较复杂的花型,采用活性染料直接印花,存在着对花困难,印花易产生疵病等问题,而采用防印印花工艺可获得较好的效果。
    Problems such as poor register and printing defects easily arise in direct printing with reactive dyes for complex patterns. Reserves printing can produce good results in these conditions.

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