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 直接压片 添加此单词到默认生词本
direct compression

  1. 性淀粉的试用表明,可在普通压片机上顺利地进行粉末直接压片
    Compressible starch can be used as fillers and dry binder in ta-blets directly compressed with commonly tableting machines.
  2. 粉末直接压片工艺的推广与应用,是加速我国现代剂制备技术发展的重要途径之一。
    Extension and application of direct compression technology is one of the important approaches of accelerating the development of modern tablets preparing technique for our nation.
  3. 采用粉末直接压片法,通过基体校正等手段,建立了氟石X射线荧光分析方法,该方法快速、准确、成本低。
    With powder sample being pressed into piece, a method for XRFA of fluorspar has been established on the basis of matrix corrections. The method proved to be rapid accurate and cheap.

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