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 直升机驾驶员 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 带头追捕的是直升机驾驶员和兽医。他们的工作是找到长颈鹿并用麻醉枪射中它。
    Leading the charge are the helicopter pilot and veterinarian. It is their job to spot the giraffe and dart it.
  2. 后来警方叫来一架私人直升机驾驶员利用机翼产生的风迫使该男子移向海岸救援人员可以够到的地方。
    A private helicopter was called and the pilot used wind from the blades to generate a current which pushed him closer to shore where rescuers could reach him.
  3. 哈里王子将成为英国王室最新一名参与前线战斗的成员。他的叔叔约克公爵安德鲁王子曾在1982年的福克兰战争中担任过直升机驾驶员
    The prince will become the latest member of Britain's royal family to see front-line action since his uncle, Prince Andrew the Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands War.

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