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 目光如炬 添加此单词到默认生词本
blazing with anger
sparkling eyes

  1. 考古队队长说:“面罩上的眼睛眼神坚毅、目光如炬,令考古学家震惊。”
    The head archaeologist said, "The mask had very firm eyes, they seemed very strong, and it shocked the archaeologists."
  2. 门开处,几声低沉的咆哮声中一条全身黝黑、头大如斗、目光如炬的猛犬已经像幽灵般站在眼前。
    Office doors open, whereas low growl sound of a body of dark, the first large as the Big Dipper, the actual Mengquan has stood like a ghost like eyes.
  3. 超级大国的表现常常像两个全副武装的盲人,同处一室,到处摸索,都认为对方目光如炬,因而使自己受到致命的威胁。
    The superpowers often behave like two heavily armed blind men feeling their way around a room, each believing himself in mortal peril from the other whom he assumes to have perfect vision.

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