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 电路连接器 [diàn lù lián jiē qì添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] electrical coupler

  1. 本发明的一个目的是将电路连接器小型化。
    An object of the present invention is to miniaturize a circuit board connector.
  2. SELV电路连接器的设计应该这样,他们不与常用的非SELV电路连接器交配。
    The connectors of SELV circuits should be designed such that they do not mate with connectors commonly used for non-SELV circuits.
  3. 广州市哈纳斯电子有限公司专业制造各种家用电器、电脑、电缆、影音器材及汽车、摩托车、电路连接器
    Guangzhou City Hanasi Electronics Co. , Ltd. specializes in manufacturing various kinds of electrical, computer, cable, audio-visual equipment and automobiles, motorcycles, circuit connectors.

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