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 电路逻辑 添加此单词到默认生词本
circuit logic

  1. 早期的交换电路逻辑复杂、稳定性差。
    The logics are complicated and have poor stability in early switch circuit.
  2. 较之前人的尝试,此“生物逻辑门”的优势在于,它更加接近于电路逻辑门的运算方式。
    The advantage of the biological logic gates over previous attempts is that they behave more like their electronic counterparts.
  3. 及对时序电路逻辑功能的两种检测技术:基于状态表的测试技术和自动检测技术。
    Two test technologies state stable based technology and automatic test technology are given for the test of logic functions of sequential circuit.

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