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 生活消费品 [shēng huó xiāo fèi pǐn添加此单词到默认生词本
consumer goods

  1. 商务部副部长傅自应在记者招待会上说,这一政策能推进农村生活消费品的销售增长2.5%。
    Fu Ziying a deputy minister of commerce claimed in the press that the policy could boost rural sales of consumer goods by 2.5%.
  2. 两个公司的类型也有所不同:“保洁公司比联合利华更加锋芒毕露和进取”,投资银行的生活消费品分析师说。
    There is also a difference in style: "P&G is simply sharper and more aggressive than Unilever, " says Charles Mills, a consumer-goods analyst at Credit Suisse, an investment bank.
  3. 在过去30年内,亚洲的出口导向型经济增长使得成千上万的妇女加入了劳动力大军,为世界制造起了生活消费品
    Asia's export-driven growth over the past 30 years has drawn millions of women into the work force, making consumer goods for the world.

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