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 生态修复 添加此单词到默认生词本
ecological remediation
ecological restoration

  1. 这也给身处于地球史上第6次大灭绝期的,其他生态修复工程带来了希望。
    And that holds out hope for other restoration ecology projects in the midst of the sixth mass extinction in Earth's history.
  2. 加强地质灾害防治和生态修复,搞好受损堤防、水库的除险加固和堰塞湖治理。
    We will intensify efforts to prevent and control geological disasters and restore the ecosystem, and do a good job reinforcing affected levees and reservoirs and draining quake lakes.
  3. 通过分析关停废弃矿山对生态环境和景观造成的影响,提出了生态修复的策略和技术措施。
    This paper focuses on the ecological environment and landscape impact of shutting down abandoned mine, and proposes ecological restoration strategy and technical measures.

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