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 生态危害 添加此单词到默认生词本
[生态] ecological hazard

  1. 研究公路旁土壤中重金属污染的分布及潜在生态危害
    To study the distribution of the heavy metal contamination in roadside soil and the potential ecological hazards.
  2. 为了降低饲料添加剂的生态危害,应用新型饲料添加剂替代常用的饲料添加剂是一条积极可行的途径。
    To reduce the ecological dangers caused by fodder additive, it's a positive and feasible way to replace the original fodder additive with a new-type.
  3. 新技术必须采纳以确保现有的生态危害得到制止,工作的安全性以及危害员工健康的工作环境得到改善。
    Measures must be taken to ensure that existing ecological hazards are eased, safety at work is increased and the design of workplaces that are detrimental to the employees' health is improved.

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