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 现阶段 [xiàn jiē duàn添加此单词到默认生词本
at this stage
at the present stage

  1. “很明显,我希望我姐姐能会来和我们在一起--现阶段 还不可能,”他说。
    "Obviously I would like my sister back with us — at this stage it's not to be, " he said.
  2. 现阶段我们面临的问题要比回答多。 但是我认为在公共场合下大家一起讨论是解决问题的最佳途径。
    At this stage we have more questions than answers but I believe that discussing them in public is the best way to make progress.
  3. 现阶段这可能有点难以理解,在下一节我将讨论更多内容,因为这是实际编码过程中最重要的规则。
    This may be confusing at this stage, and I will discuss this more in the next section because this is the most important rule for actual coding.

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