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 玻壳 添加此单词到默认生词本
glass envelope

  1. 用途:用作电视玻壳,玻璃器皿的着色及磁性材料。
    USES: Used as colorants for color TV glass face plates glassware. It is also used for making magnetic material.
  2. 分析了彩色玻壳屏模具焊接缺陷原因,并介绍了相应的问题解决对策。
    The defects reasons for color glass shell screen die welding are analyzed,and related solutions are introduced.
  3. 本文通过论述大偏转角超薄型彩管的玻壳特点,解析彩管的超薄化机理。
    The characteristics of glass shell of large deflection angle super slim CPT are discussed in this paper, and the mechanism of super slim CPT are also analyzed.

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