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 滤层 [lǜ céng添加此单词到默认生词本
filtering layer

  1. 观察反冲洗膨胀率、冲洗强度及滤层分布情况。测定后水浊度及水头损失。
    Observing wash degree, bulging ratio and distributing of filtrating material. Measure turbidity of filtrate and reduction of hydraulic pressure.
  2. 可保持麦芽壳皮完整,形成疏松高效的过滤层滤层厚度可增加15-20%。
    Maintaining malt shell's intergrity and forming loose filter layer whose thickness may increase 15-20%.
  3. 结果表明,宽度不大的裂缝在合适的反滤层保护下,能防止心墙土体被水流冲刷。
    It is conclued that the filter layer can protect the core wall of earthrock dam from flow erosion.

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