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 液体培养基 [yè tǐ péi yǎng jī添加此单词到默认生词本
fluid nutrient medium

  1. 水培:是在液体培养基中栽培植物而不是在土壤中。
    Hydroponics (water culture) The growth of plants in liquid culture solutions rather than soil.
  2. 试验的关键在于对每个细胞进行分离培养的同时将它们置于同样的液体培养基
    The trick was to culture the individual cells separately while allowing them to share the same liquid medium.
  3. 培养这个独立细胞的窍门在于,将其置于与另外七个细胞同在的液体培养基中。
    The trick was to culture the individual cells separately while allowing them to share the same liquid medium.

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