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 液体温度计 添加此单词到默认生词本
liquid-filled thermometer

  1. 其结果对工作用玻璃液体温度计的检定与校准工作具有一定的参考价值。
    The results provided reference ot the verification and calibration of glass liquid thermometer.
  2. 相对于“温度计受热液体质量不变任务”而言,“外体积守恒任务”对学生更难。
    The task of conservation of external volume is more difficult for primary school students than the task that liquid in the thermometer keeps the same.
  3. 学生对“外体积守恒任务”的回答与“温度计受热液体的质量不变任务”的回答相关异常显著。
    There is a very positive correlation between the task of conservation of external volume and the task of the mass of liquid keeping in the same in the thermometer, as it is heated.

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