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 海扇 [hǎi shàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[无脊椎] sea fan

  1. 庭院中央有个圆圆的小池塘,养着金鱼,四周镶着海扇贝壳砌的边。
    In the middle was a small round pond containing gold-fish and surrounded by a cockle-shell border.
  2. 巨大的珊瑚山看起来彷佛水中花园般,夸示着海扇绵,艳丽色泽包括了紫、橘和精美绝伦的其他各种色彩。
    The giant coral mountain looked like an undersea garden, boasting sea fans and sponges in brilliant shades of purples, oranges and other amazing colors.
  3. 池塘中央,矗立着一座用海扇贝壳贴面的造型奇特的塔,塔顶是一只很大的银白色玻璃球,反照出来的东西全都走了样,怪滑稽的。
    Out of the centre of the pond rose a fanciful erection clothed in more cockle-shells and topped by a large silvered glass ball that reflected everything all wrong and had a very pleasing effect.

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