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 油井压力 [yóu jǐng yā lì添加此单词到默认生词本
oil well pressure

  1. 需要把水注入鲁迈拉的油井以产生足够的压力使石油被压出来。
    Water needs to be injected into wells at Rumaila to create enough pressure to extract the oil.
  2. 当然,由于需要注如大量的水以建立起油藏的压力以及使油井投产,投资的回报也慢。
    Also, the return on the investment is slow because much water must be injected to establish reservoir pressure and get the wells on production.
  3. 摘要井筒两相管流研究的主要目的是用于井筒内流体流型的划分和流型的转变与判断,其基本依据在于井筒内油气水混合压力的分布状况;在了解了井筒混合流体的压力分布状况之后,能够为掌握油井生产规律、合理控制和调节油井式作方式及气举设计提供可靠的依据。
    The research on vertical conduit flow of gas-liquid two phases in wellbore aims at the classification, transition and judgement of flow pattern, according to the pressure distribution of oil-gas-water mixture in wellborne, by which the reliable basis will be provided for understanding of well performance, rational control/monitoring and regulating of well flow regime and the design of gas lift.

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