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 油井清蜡 添加此单词到默认生词本
paraffin removal from oil well

  1. 固体技术是近几年才兴起的油井清新工艺。
    Solid paraffin inhibition technology is a new oil well paraffin inhibition technology springing up only a few years.
  2. 将胜利采油院提供的F18菌组用于区块油井清取得了良好效果。
    A group of bacteria, F18, supplied by Shengli production Technology Institute is applied for waxing control in production Wells of this reservoir.
  3. 油井剂和清蜡剂的类型进行了综述,给出了一些配方,并指出其发展趋势。
    The types of wax depressing and removal agents used in the oil production are reviewed. Some composition examples of which are given, and the development trend is also introduced.

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