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[航] ballute

  1. 文章提出了采用溢型集流,在井下对液进行分离,使流量的测量更加符合实际产量。
    The paper proposes a new technology that is to utilize the bubbling umbrella to separate gas and liquid to approach actual output.
  2. 结果表明,这种具有制冷效率高、节能、环保、移动方便等特点,可应用于交通岗亭、门岗亭,还可以用于替代娱乐、餐饮的遮阳、超市入口的幕机,具有广阔的应用前景。
    The results are showed that it has advantages of high cooling efficiency, energy saving, environment protection, move convenience etc. It can be used in the sentry…
  3. 结果表明,这种具有制冷效率高、节能、环保、移动方便等特点,可应用于交通岗亭、门岗亭,还可以用于替代娱乐、餐饮的遮阳、超市入口的幕机,具有广阔的应用前景。
    The results are showed that it has advantages of high cooling efficiency, energy saving, environment protection, move convenience etc. It can be used in the sentry b…

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