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 气体交换 添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] gas exchange

  1. 那茎秆就像根潜水呼吸管,当植株的绝大部分被淹没在水下时,它仍能保证植物与大气进行气体交换
    Like a snorkel, the elongated stem allows the plant to exchange gases with the atmosphere while most of it is submerged.
  2. 从肺部血管流出的血液已经富含氧气,这表明,这样一个肺可以正常的为流过的血液提供气体交换功能。
    The blood leaving the implanted lung was rich in oxygen, showing that the lung could replace carbon dioxide with oxygen as blood passed through it.
  3. 呼吸系统的主要功用是提供空气到肺的通路及气体交换的场所。
    The main function of the respiratory system is to provide passages and room for gaseous exchange.

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