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 残余方差 添加此单词到默认生词本
residual variance

  1. 分析自适应光学系统的控制残余方差与控制带宽的关系。
    The relationship between residual servo variance and control bandwidth of an adaptive optics system is discussed.
  2. 残余起拱高度对织物起拱特性总方差的贡献在94%以上。
    Residual bagging height contributes up to 94% of the total variance in the perception of fabric bagging.
  3. 提出了对计算出的位相进行“剪接”的办法,解决了残余位相方差与自适应光学的校正效果没有对应关系的问题。
    We present "phase cutting" of the calculated phase to solve the problem that variance of the calculated residual wavefront is not corresponding to the correction effect of AO system.

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