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 残余气体 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化工] residual gas

  1. 文中讨论了清洗方法的细节,并用残余气体分析质谱图说明了清洗的效果。
    Detail method of cleaning for a probe is discussed. and residual gases analysis mass spectrograph show the effect of cleaning in this paper.
  2. 并由此计算了残余气体存在时,传感器测量值的温度漂移量以及灵敏度的温度系数。
    Based on that, we calculate the amount of the offset of temperature in measurement of sensor and the coefficient of sensitivity when residual gas exists.
  3. 本文主要介绍运用回旋质谱计对红外探测器进行了管内残余气体分析,并通过对分析结果的探讨,找到了该红外探测器失效的根本原因。
    The residual gas analysis in the infrared detector is produced with cyclotron mass spectrometer and the reason of the infrared detector failure is found through the analysis result.

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