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 正当手续 添加此单词到默认生词本
due process
proper procedure

  1. 项目经理还应当研究组织文化并确定组织是否已经承认管理该项目是有正当手续的,可以向各方面说明情况并获得了管理权限的角色。
    The project manager should also examine the organizational culture and determine whether project management is recognized as a valid role with accountability and authority for managing the project.
  2. 正当的争议行为受到法律保护,其正当性要从争议行为的主体、目的、形式、手续等方面进行分析判断;
    Proper disputes behavior is protected by law. The legitimacy of disputes behavior should be judged from the subject, purpose, forms, procedures and such aspects.

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