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 正当行为 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] reasonable act

  1. Facebook 允许用户报告含错误信息、不正当行为、引起商务上的永久封闭或者重复其他信息的地点。
    Facebook allows users to report Places for incorrect data, abusive behavior, the permanent closure of a business or duplication of other content.
  2. 如果像邦兹和阿加西这样高调的运动员可以是那些不正当行为的受害者,那么怀疑国内是否流行着这样的案例也是合情合理的。
    If high-profile athletes like Barry Bonds and Andre Agassi can be victims of such devious behavior, then it's not unreasonable to wonder if there's an epidemic of these cases across the country.
  3. 当内存被毁坏、不适当地使用,或者泄漏时,Purify 能够帮您识别所有不正当行为
    Purify can help identify the culprit when memory is being corrupted, used improperly, or leaked.

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