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 榫孔 [sǔn kǒng添加此单词到默认生词本
[木] mortise

  1. 他说,估计是雨水渗进了木钉里,而正是这些木钉使它们结合在一起的。
    He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinholes, where wooden dowels held the joints together.
  2. 该机床用于铝门窗的各类型槽、流水槽等的仿形加工;
    Used for copy routing processing various kinds of holes, grooves and water-slots on aluminum windows and doors.
  3. 然后轻轻地把圆敲到一侧的榫孔中(如图4),接着对准另一块板子,让凸出的圆对准相应的榫孔(如图5),并用夹钳夹紧。
    Then gently tap the dowels into the holes (Photo 4). Next, align the mating board so the exposed dowels meet their corresponding holes (Photo 5) and use clamps to pull the joint tight.

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