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an ancient wine vessel

  1. 藤子炮制前后高、中、低剂量组对正常小鼠胃排空均有明显抑制作用。
    The high, middle and low-dose of groups showed significant inhibition of the gastric emptying in normal mice.
  2. 藤子水溶性提取物对小鼠的外周血白细胞没有明显影响(P>0.05)。
    Water soluble extracts from Entada had no obvious influence with the number of blood white cell of the mice( P >0.05 ).
  3. 结论:藤子水溶性提取物对S180有良好的抑制作用,对外周血白细胞没有明显影响。
    Conclusion: Water soluble extracts from Entada had good inhibition effect on S180 and had no obvious influence with the number of blood white cell of the mice.

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